Psychological Benefits of Video Games!

Written by Tdgameszone

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A Small Info Abt Video Games ( PROS & CONS )

Dust off the old cartridge,because we’re talking about video games. They might feellike a staple in modern day life, but just a few decadesago…video games were as new and fascinating as virtualreality is now. 

Video games have influenced our culture, history,and way of life since 1972. Pong – the classic game that’sessentially electronic tennis. Developed by Atari…Pong caughton instantly and was Sears’ hottest selling item on thedepartment store shelves. In the 1980’s we met Donkey Kong…andalong with him…of course, Mario, who would become the faceof Nintendo for years to come. 

In the 90’s, Sega’s Sonic theHedgehog broke onto the scene…and a few years laterPokemon became the most popular children character…selling outtoys, trading cards, and even a movie. Gaming has gone fromarcade games to consoles to online-gaming andsmartphones…setting up a whole new culture to go along witheach. While video games are often based in fantasy…theyalso reflect both history and current events. 

Whether that’s agood or a bad thing…is up for debate. War is often somethingdepicted in popular games like Call of Duty and Warfare.Players can pretend they are fighting in the war on terror inIran, Iraq, and Afghanistan…or jump back in time to World WarTwo. But do violent games lead to violence in real life?According to the American Psychological Association, violent video games can be a risk factor for aggression. In 2017, APA concluded that violent video game exposure was linkedto increased aggressive behaviors, thoughts, andemotions, as well as decreased empathy. 

But it’s not all bad.Tech media company inverse published a report about thechanging landscape of gaming. Writing that the industry isprioritizing empathy by diversifying characters andcreating different goals. Many times, games can enhancelearning and curiosity in players…and can even beeducational. Video games known as “stimulation games” like thepopular Tycoon series and The Sims are a good examples ofthis. In Rollercoaster Tycoon…players mustsuccessfully build and manage an amusement park…bringing inenough guests to keep it afloat and managing every aspect of thebusiness. And of course…we can’t talk about strategic lifesimulation games without talking about The Sims…where playershave to build and decorate a home, manage relationships, andstay happy while on a budget. 

(Yeah…unless you knew thatRosebud cheat code but let’s pretend we played fair.) Thenonprofit Games for Change has been contributing to thisso-called renaissance in gaming…rewarding innovatorsand raising interest in games with positive real worldapplication. 

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